To enjoy this video, you really have to turn the lights down and quiet your thoughts. It’s almost spoken in whispers. And the secrets come from a woman who has lived a thousand lifetimes in one. Her heart gives love from a pure, unconditional source. Stick around for the whole conversation – you’ll be glad you did.
Beautiful words, very inspiring-in fact I think I will go to sleep early in honor of this video!
sweet dreams Jessi!
I love Shoshana! She’s awesome!
she really is!
Thank you for the wisdom!
Im working on figuring out how to take care of myself properly but one thing that has always been important to me is to put on makeup when I get dressed in the morning. I live in Israel where it is more common to see women in interesting scarves (although I was just at a bat mitzvah and my beautiful cousin was looking more beautiful than usual and she said “Ive been inspired by the Jessi.”) It is fascinating to me how many women have told me that they started wearing makeup every day and it has changed them so much, that they feel like a person now. Taking care of yourself can mean just paying attention to the little details.
Hey Aliza – I didnt relize that the other Aliza that commented was you! This is way too much fun – and you are the behind the scenes cause for the Jessi video (meeting her, your special relationship etc…) Anyway, yes, its so critical – whethe rits make up – or something similar – it makes such a huge difference. FOr years I used to stay in my robe on Sun mornings, cleaning the kitchen. By 11 am I was exploding! The sense of stagnation and shleppiness was too much for me. Now I”m up on Sundays by 7 to be somewhere I love by 8, and I’m dressed and ready to go with a spring in my step – thank Hashem!It’s in the little things
This is an awesome and inspiring video, Rivka and, dahling, Shoshana is beautiful. I wish (but I am not going to beat myself up) that I started to wear a Tichel much earlier. I mean I love the beautiful colors and how it really brings out the ‘soul’. I haven’t looked around but was wondering about the dresses. I really need help in the clothes department as well and wondering if you might have some advice on wardrobe shopping??
My oldest daughter watched me on a recent tv interview and she said, “Mom, now that you are going to be in front of the camera, you are going to need a ‘makeup job’ and a new wardrobe”. Sooo, if there is anyone out there who, after seeing me on the video of ‘Skeletons in the Closet’ can turn me into a Shoshana (I am 65 so I still have a few years G-d willing, to blossom) please contact me!
Todah rabah for your website!
Channah, the Jewish Indian (Cherokee/Northern Cheyenne)
Channah, Thanks so much for your amazing feedback! I forwarded your comment to Shoshana and she right away wrote bacl “This is my life’s work and passion, can I help” Her email is . sh’e wonderful, as you can see from the video and I have a feeling that the two of you will really hit it off.
Another thing to lok at is Dressing Your Truth. Start with the website and then dedicate some time to looking at youtube. I ‘ve learned so much from Carol Tuttle – she’s really given me permission to dress in a way that makes me feel in sync with myself. I even bought her book – it was so worth it
I usually do not comment on websites but I have to comment on this one. I started wearing head coverings the early part of this year; at the time I did not know how to tie it or anything but I knew I had to start wearing it because I believe that is what the Father (Hashem) wanted of me, especially since I started coming into the truth about the Torah, the Father, and just who I really am. I wanted to show the Father how much I love Him and how I wanted to be more than who I was, and also it was placed on my heart that when I wear my head covering that I am also giving honor to my husband, which is very important to me. So as I was searching youtube on how to tie the head covering, I came to your video and instantly I felt a connection. Your honesty and purity is so amazing and that is what I wanted in my life, in fact in most of your videos (especially this one) I find myself crying because there is a joy that comes from my very being that believes I am doing what the Father wants me to do, I am being obedient. I am not Jewish or Christian, I do not believe in organized religion but I do believe that the Torah is the foundation of the world and the Father wants His children to know Him in a more intimate way and what He wants for our lives is to love Him and keep His Torah, because He loves us that much. Thank you so much for being obedient and doing what the Father has called you to do.
Thank you Kendra, you’re words are an encouragment and inspiration! I’m constantly amazed by women who come to this on their own. I grew up with my mother covering her hair. To think that you’re doing this out of pure love for your Father in Heaven is magnificent and special. I’m so glad you commented
Nice to see our dear friend Shoshana Liebman – Ad Meah Voesrim to her and her husband Meir.
Edinger Family