by Rivka Perlman | Mar 22, 2012 | Blog |
Hi Friends! Welcome to Jew Time! WOW’s new sitcom! You know what I love? I love having the chance to bring together Jews of all types and watch the magic happen. Yeah, we’re different. Me and you are different too. But at WOW we see none of that. We keep...
by Rivka Perlman | Mar 14, 2012 | Blog |
The whole world is in turmoil On our own, we may not be much Like one leg of a centipede, hobbling along Without the others, it can’t go far- or anywhere On our own, we’re like a worn rubber wheel rolling down the road wobbling crazily then dropping...
by Rivka Perlman | Mar 1, 2012 | Blog |
hi aunty rivka malka! i figured doing the interveiw by email will be easier for me and you. Here are the ques. how did you grow in tznuis? (modesty) what influnced your growth? what were your challenges in tznuis? what helped you overcome these obstacles and...
by Rivka Perlman | Feb 13, 2012 | Blog |
The message of “A Woman is a Home.” is really a message about modesty. Modesty – tzniut or tznius in Hebrew. I’m totally under qualified to speak about such an important topic, but I’ll share my little slice of the truth and...