Do you know Israel/ Jerome Bethea? He’s the insanely talented person who created this site  for me! (Appluase, cheers, throw money!) And who’s  behind such an awesome person? His wife. The beazutiful, lovable, Rena/ Summer Bethea (more applause – trust me!)

Now, its 1 am and I have Shabbos cooking to do, but another time I really have to tell you the story of how we met Summer and Jerome. How both of them were Christian but met at a Chanuka party, How Jerome used to try to keep Passover the best he knew how, by eating pita bread (because it was flat). And how Summer used to have to sit a “bible’s width away” from a boy (in Catholic school)!

Then I’ll have to tell you how Jerome acted in commercials and movies and even starred on Prison Break. And how he made videos, even before he was Jewish wearing his tzitzis out because he was only about the truth. And how they learned that there was such a thing as Orthodox Jews from a nice Jews for Jesus lady!

And don’t let me forget to tell you how they came to Baltimore for a visit and found home here. How they finally found a place that there was a Rabbi and a community they could love. And how we all fell in love with them. And how they had the holiest Jewish wedding after they converted a month and a half ago with Summer eight months pregnant! (Check out her FB page for the radiant, ticheled, pregnant bride pics).

I’ll tell you all about it. But now it’s down to business. In 2 days is the deadline for the Help Summer Go Kosher Party. You see, when they converted, though they had been keeping kosher beforehand, they had to throw everything out and start all over again.

And now what’s she supposed to cook cholent in? So, savvy woman that she is, she made a little party to help out her family.   You can attend by clicking on this link  and ordering from the Pampered Chef.  (Just click on “how to purchase, and type in hosts name – Summer Bethea) If she sells $1,ooo worth, she can get tons of new stuff for her kitchen for free.

I”ll tell you the truth. Until tonight, I didnt even order. But then I thought, why am I being so withholding?

Me, the girl who fell for buying “the Magic Scarf” in the airport yesterday (A cool scarf – but do I need another one?) can probably spend a few bucks on a nice garlic press or strainer!

So before you smile and click on another link. Stop. Think about how your purchase, big or small, is really saying to Summer, “welcome.” Welcome to the Jewish  kitchen, welcome to the Family” And how our support will be the next chapter in their story.

Love, Rivka Malka

PS. click on the picture below to see the whole thing