Video:WOW, are they beautiful!

Video:WOW, are they beautiful!

    Every Wednesday night I get to spend 2 hours with 60 holy Jews. This post is for them. There’s Sara, whose father is keeping Shabbos and is finding out on her own that she likes it too. And there’s Matt who was surprised when week after week...
Video:Love – Up Close

Video:Love – Up Close

What stood out for me most,in this magnificent video was the images of Mae Toi playing with her children, being with her children. It literally didn’t matter what she was doing, even swatting one of the kids hands away. She was with them. They saw her love. When...
Why I Wear aTichel Instead of a Wig

Why I Wear aTichel Instead of a Wig

I love the question behind the question. And this is one I get a lot. Why do I wear a tichel? This video will answer that for you. But now I want to ask another question. Don’t I think everyone should wear a tichel? And my answer is NO. Our goal is to serve G-d,...
Video – The Girl Effect

Video – The Girl Effect

     It all begins with a girl.  A girl helps her mother fold napkins. Her mother observes – “you have a knack for this!” The girl folds more napkins with a little spring in her step. The mother observes “your napkins look...