Colorful Nights! [a short happy post]

Colorful Nights! [a short happy post]

        Tichel pin orders have been coming in and I’ve been reallyexcited to get started!  My daughter, Minky, is so creative, I knew she’d love this project. Well, two things happened. 1. I had thought I would “let her help...
Video – The Girl Effect

Video – The Girl Effect

     It all begins with a girl.  A girl helps her mother fold napkins. Her mother observes – “you have a knack for this!” The girl folds more napkins with a little spring in her step. The mother observes “your napkins look...
The Heartbeat of a Mezuza

The Heartbeat of a Mezuza

    My friend Rachel Zamoiski fell in love with a Mezuza case 2 years ago in Israel. She bought it then, and its been sitting in her house since. This year for her father’s yartzheit, Rachel decided to take on a Mitzvah in his merit. So we went to the...
1,000’s of People Didn’t Wake up Today!

1,000’s of People Didn’t Wake up Today!

I learned a while ago about hisbodidus, spending time in personal prayer with G-d. And for the longest time I would take a daily meditative walk. I walked every day. I can’t stand the snow, and I can’t stand the cold but the winter was the best. I would spend the...