Video:Be a Smiler!

Video:Be a Smiler!

  I  can just see him, there by the door; his wife standing next to him as he waved good-bye to me. I was about to get married and this Rabbi said to me,”My wife is a Smiler. Be a Smiler.” I was young, so I smiled,and thought “Duh.Smiling? I got...
Me and my Loneliness

Me and my Loneliness

  Are you ever lonely? As in, no matter how many people you’re with, how many parties you’re at, there’s a sense that you’re in this experience alone. I look around sometimes. And not always, but often, I see dozens of others, attending the same class or the same...
Video:A Bubble for my Son

Video:A Bubble for my Son

  Last week at WOW, I was learning Nefesh Chaya with my friend Stephanie. Rav Pincus was talking about the hidden world. In the old days, seeing was believing. If you believed in something invisible you were backwards and superstitious. In modern times though, we...
We’re in Good Hands!

We’re in Good Hands!

    I wrote this sometime last year. It’s amazing and astonishing to see how different our life looks now. We truly are on the next chapter. Nothing is too hard for G-d! Interestingly enough, I submitted this to two publications and both (who have...