I just spent Shabbos with my family. I have so many thoughts to share but so much housework to do!
As I try to figure out how in the world to parent well, I’m having quite a revival in appreciating who my parents are!
This is Ep 1/ 3 of a conversation with my father. Next post I’ll give you some background and tell you a little about him.
In the meantime, what are your thoughts? How do you teach your family to love Judaism?
Thank you R’ Klatsko!
A goblet spills over when it overflows. Parents too, spill over when we overflow. May we all spill over with love of Hashem and each other, happiness in mitzvos and pride in our connection/ obligation to Judaism and merit seeing it overflow onto our children!
Beautifullly put Sara! Really that may be the secret. That there is no secret in what we give. Its who we are
First, share with your children, that their talents, the things that they enjoy give pleasure to G-d. Second,help them use their talents to serve G-d.
thanks for your insight. It sounds like youre talking about teaching kids to value themselves and that Hashem values them. SO critical
At this point in my life I don’t have children to instill a love of Judaism in yet, however, I can share with you how I”m teaching my family(meaning my own parents, and 2 nieces) how to love Judiasm. It’s through my own love of Judiasm…it’s through my happiness from the growth I’ve personally embraced that draws others in. It’s from this happiness, and explanations as I learn more that engage my own parents in learning. My own parents…2 people who I never would have imagined would have an understanding of Judaism the way they do now because of my growth. Never would I have thought that my parents would give up a tradition of going to a seder with friends, to instead remain home with me for the seders because I have chosen to not ride on Yom Tov. To see their enjoyment because of me is amazing. As for my nieces…simply sharing in special foods, and having them hear me say brochos and read Hebrew has them engaged. The older one wanting now to learn how to read Hebrew. She LOVES Havdalah which she only sees cause she is here at the end of Shabbos each week. When you LOVE something so much that it just naturally comes out of you, people respond, interact, and get engaged 🙂
Lillie, this was such an inspiring comment! You really have a mission here! We really cant underestimate the power of real spirituality. Its not an uphill battle. It feels good and it resonates. even with very cute little nieces! I love everything you wrote
Thanks Rivka Malka! I really appreciate your response. I’m definitely working on figuring out my mission here, and hope one day to know what it actually is. I am working on my growth daily and I guess it shows. I was even told yesterday that light was coming out of me so much the girl I was talking with said she had to stop talking. Insane! But exciting and happy to hear it just the same. It definitely helps me to keep going on this journey!
Wow! What a guy!!